Contact Us
6489 Main Street
Suite 126
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-693-1325
Fax: 804-824-2446
Email Us
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Gloucester County Department of Real Estate Assessment is committed to the assessment of all real property in the County of Gloucester based on fair market value, with the end result being fair and even distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.
The Real Estate Assessment Department does not set market values, it reacts to market sales and changes in order to produce fair and equitable assessments. Mass appraisal procedures are utilized to determine assessed values. Mass appraisal is defined by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) as “the process of valuing a group of properties as of a given date, using standard methods, employing common data, and allowing for statistical testing”. The mass appraisal method is the industry standard for tax assessment purposes and is necessary to accomplish the valuation of the thousands of parcels within a locality.
Below is a summary of the services provided by the Real Estate Assessment Department:
Biennial (every other year) reassessment of all real property located in the County of Gloucester and notification of new assessments
Review assessments and perform property inspections as requested
List, appraise and inspect new construction as per building permits
Provide property and sales data to other county departments, taxpayers, agents, fee appraisers, title examiners, etc., as requested
Serve as support staff to the Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments
For more information on the valuation processes, please view the Virginia Department of Taxation’s Guide to Understanding Real Estate Assessment Values (PDF).
Data Collection
The Real Estate Assessment Department is continually working on assessment related projects. You may see our appraisers in your neighborhood performing physical inspections of property for the purposes of reassessment, new construction, and property transfers. If you have any concerns about anyone in your neighborhood, please phone our office 804-693-1325 to verify that our appraisers are in your neighborhood.
Assessment Data
Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the property records data. Gloucester County assumes no liability arising from use of this data. Property records data is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By proceeding and accessing this data, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of this disclaimer.
If you wish to report an error, please contact the department at 804-693-1325.
Real estate assessment data is hosted by Vision Government Solutions and does not include new construction or splits/combines.
Documents & Forms
Appeal Information
Legal Requirements
The laws and ordinances under which real property is assessed are numerous; however, there are several legal requirements of real estate assessments in Gloucester County of which every property owner should be aware.
Real estate assessments are required by law to be at 100% of fair market value. The Virginia Supreme Court has provided the following definition of fair market value:
The fair market value of a property is the price which it will bring when it is offered for sale by one who desires, but is not obliged, to sell it, and is bought by one who is under no necessity of having it.
Real property in Gloucester County must be assessed biennially (every other year) starting January 1, 2010.
Real estate assessments are also required to be uniform on the same class of property.
The Department of Real Estate Assessments assesses all real property in Gloucester County, except the property of operating railroads, interstate pipelines, and public utilities.
Review & Appeals Process
Mass appraisal methods are utilized to bring assessments to a fair market value. The Real Estate Assessment Department will send a notice to each property owner upon completion of a reassessment. Property owners should read these notices carefully. Instructions for review, filing procedures, deadlines and scheduling are included with the notice should you have any questions or concerns.
General Guidelines
The following are general guidelines for the appeals process:
Administrative Review: If after you receive and review your Notice of Real Estate Assessment Change you note any errors or corrections or wish to request a review, reconsideration or explanation of your determined reassessed value, the property owner or an Authorized Agent may do so by completing an Administrative Review Application by the deadline. A link to all forms will be provided once notices are mailed. Real Estate Assessment staff will review your application form and assessment and will contact you for an appointment and/or notify you of any corrections to your reassessment. Hard copies of the forms are also available at the Gloucester Real Estate Assessment Department, located at 6489 Main Street, County Office Building Two. Requests for an administrative review must be submitted on the appropriate county form by the deadline for consideration. Staff members are available if you require assistance by calling 804-693-1325.
Board of Equalization: If the departmental review is not satisfactory, you may appeal to the Board of Equalization by submitting a BOE Appeal Application. This is a five-member citizen board appointed by the Circuit Court of Gloucester County. Although, by statute, property owners may appeal directly to the Board of Equalization, most differences are often resolved at the departmental level, thus eliminating the need to go through the formal Board of Equalization process. Specific information on filing an appeal with the Gloucester Board of Equalization will be posted on the Board of Equalization website.
Circuit Court: Another level of appeal is to file a petition in the Circuit Court of Gloucester County. For information call the Clerk of the Circuit Court at 804-693-2502.
Tax & Land Use
For information on current County taxes and fees, visit the Treasurer page. For current information on land use and tax relief, visit the Real Estate Tax page.