Contact Us
6489 Main Street
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-693-2141
Fax: 804-824-2466
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tara Thomas
The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the collection, custody, and disbursement of County funds. The office also collects funds for the Commonwealth of Virginia, reporting on these accounts to the state comptroller. The treasurer serves as the county’s designated investment officer with the sole authority for investment decisions, and reports financial information to the Board of Supervisors.
The staff of the Gloucester County Treasurer’s Office considers it both an honor and a privilege to serve our citizens as professionally and efficiently as possible. We welcome any comments and suggestions you may have!
Personal Property & Real Estate Tax Information Online
The Treasurer's Office is excited to announce that online access to Personal Property Tax and Real Estate Tax information is available.
Researching Personal Property Tax information requires you to setup a username and password as well as to have your Property ID(s), the last four digits of your Social Security Number, and the full Social Security Number of the primary account owner (this is only required to "link" your account to login ID).
If you need help locating your Property ID(s), or you have questions about using the new service, please feel free to contact the Treasurer's Office at 804-693-2141, or by email at We are happy to assist you!
Important Dates
Real Estate & Personal Property Tax Bills
January 1: 10% annual Interest begins to accrue on all unpaid 2023 2nd installment tax bills
Late April: Board of Supervisors adopts tax rates for 2024
Early June: 2024 1st installment tax bills mailed
July 1, 2024 1st installment tax bills due (because June 30 falls on a Sunday)
July 2: 10% penalty assessed on all unpaid 2024 1st installment tax bills
July 2: 10% annual interest begins to accrue on all unpaid 2024 1st installment tax bills
Late October/Early November: 2024 2nd installment tax bills mailed
December 5: 2024 2nd installment tax bills due
December 6: 10% penalty assessed on all unpaid 2024 2nd installment tax bills
Elderly/Disabled Real Estate Tax Relief
February 1: 2024 application period begins
May 1: 2024 application period ends
State & Estimated Income Taxes
January 15: 2023 4th quarter Estimated Income Tax payment due
May 1: Deadline for filing State Income Tax returns with Commissioner of Revenue (payment due at time of filing)
May 1: 2024 1st quarter Estimated Income Tax payment due
June 15: 2024 2nd quarter Estimated Income Tax payment due
September 15: 2024 3rd quarter Estimated Income Tax payment due
Dog Licenses
January 1: 2024 kennel licenses available
January 31: 2024 kennel licenses due
All year: Dog license renewal is due at time of rabies vaccination
Business Licenses
January 1: 2024 business license filing and payment period begins
March 1: 2024 business licenses applications and payments due
List of County Holidays
Taxes & Fees
Tax Relief for Elderly & Totally Disabled
Tax relief is provided for qualified Virginia property owners who are at least 65 years of age or are permanently and totally disabled. This program applies to real estate/mobile home taxes only. For more information, please contact the Commissioner of Revenue's Office at 804-693-3451 or visit their website.
Motor Vehicle License (Decal) Fee
As of January 1, 2006, Gloucester County no longer requires residents to purchase a vehicle decal. There is no license fee.
Personal Property Tax
Gloucester imposes a tax on the following tangible personal property:
Business Personal Property
Farm Machinery and Tools
Mobile Homes
Motor Homes
The tax rate for the calendar year is set by the Board of Supervisors each year in late April/early May at the same time the budget is approved. Personal property is assessed at 100% of average retail value.
Tax rates for 2024 are:
All personal property except boats and mobile homes - $2.95 per $100/assessed value. The Personal Property Tax Relief (PPTR) percentage for 2024 is 22%.
Boats - $0.000000000000001 per $100/assessed value (essentially zero)
Mobile homes - $0.583 per $100 of assessed value (taxed at the real estate rate).
Personal Property taxes are assessed on property owned on January 1st of the tax year. Vehicles owned on January 1st and normally garaged in Gloucester are taxed by Gloucester without regard to where the owner actually lives.
Military Personnel
An active duty military person who claims home of record outside of Virginia may be exempt from personal property taxes if the property is registered solely in his or her name. Military personnel who are residents of Virginia and who reside in Gloucester will be subject to personal property taxes. Contact the Commissioner of Revenue's Office for additional information.
Installments & Due Dates
The Board of Supervisors adopts a tax rate for personal property each year when the budget is approved. Taxes are collected in two installments, but may be paid in full by June 30th if the taxpayer so desires. Bills for the first installment are mailed in early June, and are due June 30th. Second installment bills are mailed in early November and are due on December 5th.
Penalty & Interest
A penalty of 10% is assessed if the bill is not paid by the due date. Interest at the rate of 10% per year accrues on unpaid balances. Bills are mailed to the last known address and it is the taxpayer’s responsibility to notify the Commissioner of Revenue's Office as to where the tax bill is to be mailed. By law, failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer of the responsibility to pay his or her taxes on time.
Real Estate Tax
The 2024 real estate tax rate is $0.583 per $100 of assessed value. All real estate is assigned an assessed value by the Real Estate Assessment office. Real estate is assessed at 100% of market value. The tax rate for the calendar year is adopted by the Board of Supervisors in late April/early May along with the adoption of the budget.
Military Personnel
Active duty military personnel who own real property in Gloucester County are subject to the same real estate taxes as all other property owners. This applies regardless of whether they also own property in their permanent place of residence.
The Board of Supervisors adopts a tax rate for real estate each year when the budget is approved. Taxes are collected in two installments but may be paid in full by June 30th, if the taxpayer so desires. Bills for the first half are mailed in early June, and are due June 30th. Second half bills are mailed in early November, and are due on December 5.
Penalty & Interest
A penalty of 10% is assessed if the bill is not paid by the due date. Interest at the rate of 10% per year accrues on unpaid balances. Bills are mailed to the last known address and it is the taxpayer’s responsibility to notify the Commissioner of Revenue's Office as to where the tax bill is to be mailed. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer of the responsibility to pay his or her taxes on time.
Mortgage Companies
If taxes are paid through a mortgage company escrow account, tax information is sent directly to the mortgage company, and a copy of the bill is mailed to the taxpayer. However, it remains the property owner’s responsibility to be certain the taxes are paid on time. If the mortgage company indicated on the bill is incorrect, the property owner should forward the bill to the correct mortgage company.
State Income Tax
Virginia State Income tax is administered locally by the Commissioner of Revenue for the State Department of Taxation in Richmond. The Commissioner distributes forms and instructions for filing returns and estimated tax for the current year. Returns may be filed with the Commissioner and taxes paid by check made payable to Gloucester County. Returns for the previous year must be filed by May 1st of each year. Declaration of estimated tax must also be filed for the current year if taxpayer has income on which taxes are not being withheld.
Military personnel who claim permanent residence outside Virginia are exempt from payment of income tax to Virginia on their military pay. However, if they derive any other income from sources within Virginia, such as a part time job while off duty, or from rental of local real estate that they may own, they must file a non-resident income tax return. For more information, please contact the Commissioner of Revenue's Office at 804-693-3451.
Delinquent Taxes
Gloucester County’s Delinquent Tax Lists for Real Estate Taxes and Personal Property Taxes as of June 30, 2024 are available at the links below:
Delinquent Real Estate Tax List (PDF)
Delinquent Personal Property Tax List (PDF)
This list includes all taxes assessed as of December 31, 2023 that remained unpaid as of June 30, 2024. The list is divided into two sections: Real estate taxes and personal property taxes. Please note - these lists are published as "point in time", and they are not updated until the following year. If you have questions about accounts appearing on the lists or to find out current balances owed, please contact the Treasurer's Office.
Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
Real Estate with taxes owing for more than two years as of December 31 is subject to sale at public auction under the provisions of the Virginia State Code governing Bill in Equity. This process is handled by two different firms. For information concerning properties each firm is handling for the Treasurer's Office, please contact the individual firms directly.
Mr. James Elliott, Attorney
PO Box 1410
Yorktown, VA 23692
Phone: 757-898-7000
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C.
PO Box 31800
Henrico VA 23294-1800
Phone: 804-545-2500
Delinquent Personal Property Taxes
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C. handles the collection of delinquent Personal Property taxes for Gloucester County.
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, P.C.
PO Box 31800
Henrico VA 23294-1800
Phone: 804-545-2500
Dog & Kennel Licenses
All dogs owned by residents of Gloucester, including military personnel, must be licensed. Licenses may be obtained by mail or in person at the Treasurer’s office. A valid rabies certificate must be presented at time of purchase. The rabies certificate should indicate if the dog has been neutered or spayed. If not, other evidence of alteration will be required.
Sold in increments of 10 dogs per kennel
Fee = $50
PLEASE NOTE: In order to process your animal license, we MUST have your application and any associated information within 24 hours of receiving your payment. If we do not receive your information within that timeframe, your payment will be refunded.
Individual Dog Licenses
Male or Female, rabies certificate expires in less than one year; fee = $10
Male or Female, rabies certificate expires in 1 to 3 years; fee = $25
Neutered or Spayed, rabies certificate expires in less than one year; fee = $3
Neutered or Spayed, rabies certificate expires in 1 to 3 years; fee = $8
PLEASE NOTE: In order to process your animal license, we MUST have your application and any associated information within 24 hours of receiving your payment. If we do not receive your information within that timeframe, your payment will be refunded.