Community Resource Map
Are you looking for info right away? Check out this Gloucester County resource map!
If you click the “menu expand” icon in the top left corner, you can choose a resource category, select the place you’re looking for, and drive.
The categories are Food Assistance, Child Care, Health Services, Bay Transit Popular Locations, Clothing Assistance, and Little Free Libraries. Did we miss a location or category that you think would be helpful? Let us know, and we could add it!
How Can We Help You Guide
The Gloucester Resource Council is a network of human service organizations in Gloucester County that meets monthly to share ideas, information and resources.
This guide provides contact information to help people report abuse, ask for mental health help, seek housing or legal aid, find jobs, clothes and food, access disability services, acquire transportation, pursue personal improvement goals like learning to read, and much more. Access the How Can We Help You guide.
Opioid Recovery Resource Guide
Utilizing a portion of Opioid Settlement Funding, Gloucester County is pleased to provide a comprehensive list of resources for those who may be struggling or have a family member(s) or other loved one(s) who may be struggling with Opioid addiction.
Gloucester Resource Council
9:30 a.m.
1st Wednesday of every month
More information:
Gloucester Resource Council (GRC) participation is open to agencies, organizations, churches, and businesses, with community service functions within Gloucester County, and any citizen of Gloucester County. Each agency represented at a meeting shall be entitled to one vote although attendance by more than one person from any group shall be permitted.
The GRC is a network of human service organizations in Gloucester who meet monthly to share ideas, information, and resources. Cooperative, inter-agency efforts are planned and initiated in an attempt to maximize community resources and minimize duplication of services.
Vision: The GRC will serve as the coordinating body for organizations with community service missions, to promote solutions for local concerns by utilizing and developing resources.
Mission: The GRC, serving residents of Gloucester County, is a network of community resources gathered to identify gaps, promote agency services, encourage collaboration, and advocate for the needs of the community.
The GRC promotes:
Collaborating and coordinating activities and services
Creating a stronger sense of community
Identifying needs and filling service gaps
Networking and information sharing
Volunteer development
Additional Information
For more information on the GRC call (804) 693-5730. You can also access prior meeting minutes.
Follow us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information!
Accomplishments and Successes
2016 VACo (Virginia Association of Counties Achievement) Recipient for the Community Needs Network
Assistance Brochure to provide quick access to resources across the county.
Census Complete Count Committee to increase participation in the 2020 Census.
Community Needs Network to address unmet needs in the community.
COVID-19 Response to reduce strain on families during remote learning through WIFI hubs and food distribution.
Gloucester United Emergency Shelter Team (GUEST) to engage a cohort of churches to support shelter needs.
GRC Facebook to provide ongoing information and connections.
Past Events:
Poverty Simulation to sensitize providers to the realities faced by low-income households.
Celebrate Families – A Day of Free Family Events and Activities
Community EXPO
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer in Government
Gloucester County is very fortunate to have over 150 community members who volunteer to serve on various committees, councils, boards and commissions. These board appointed groups provide valuable advice, expertise, and direction to county officials.
Volunteer in our Schools
Studies have shown that children do better in school when their parents and community members are involved. Volunteers gain valuable experience, make new friends, and contribute to the community. Volunteers must complete criminal background checks.
Volunteer in our Community
If your organization needs volunteers or you want to get involved with community organizations, churches or nonprofits, this is the place to look. There are many opportunities for both adult and youth volunteers to make a difference in Gloucester County.
If you’d like to learn about where you can volunteer, send an e-mail to the Community Engagement and Public Information Department or call (804) 693-5730.