Contact Us
6467 Main St., Building One
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-693-3659
Fax: 804-824-2465
Mail To
P.O. Box 208
Gloucester, VA 23061
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of Gloucester County to register to vote.
Promote the integrity of the electoral process by maintaining accurate and current voter registration records used in elections.
Coordinate elections so they are conducted in a manner that secures the qualified citizen’s right to vote and ensures that the results accurately reflect the voter’s will.
Be an information resource for citizens regarding voter registration, absentee voting, early voting, elections and your elected officials.

Election Central
Election Updates
Upcoming 2025 Scheduled Elections to watch for:
Primary Election - Tuesday, June 17, 2025
General Election - Tuesday, November 4, 2025
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General,
House of Delegates (68th & 69th)
Board of Supervisors and School Board
(Petsworth District, York District and At-Large)
Upcoming Deadlines for the Next Election
The last day to get registered or make changes is 22 days before a Primary or General Election and shorter for special elections to fill vacancies. Note: Voters may register after this date, through Election Day, and vote using a Provisional Ballot only.
In-Person Early Voting begins 45 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote, visit our office to vote early in-person.
Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Additional Hours: Two Saturdays prior to every election: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Last day of In-Person Early Voting: The Saturday prior to Election Day.
The last day to request to Vote by Mail is 11 days before Election Day, which is the second Friday before Election Day.
Reminder, bring acceptable ID to vote. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. at your normal polling location on Election Day. See the list of acceptable ID's here. There is no voting at our office on Election Day, you must go to your polling location to vote.
Qualify to Vote
To be qualified to vote, the Constitution of Virginia requires that citizens be registered in the precinct in which they live. Don't forget your identification!
Register to Vote or Change Your Registration
Access the online registration site available 24 hours a day to get registered to vote, view your Virginia voter record, update your registration, and see your polling place and election district information. Please note: The deadline to register to vote also applies to updating your voter registration address. Generally the deadline for registration is three weeks before a general election and shorter for special elections to fill vacancies. If your address change is not submitted to the Office of the General Registrar by the applicable deadline for the election in which you wish to vote, you may not be able to vote. Please notify the General Registrar of address changes promptly here.
Cancel your Voter Registration
If you do not have a Virginia DMV Issued ID# to use the Online Service, download and complete the Registration Form.
Absentee Vote by Mail and Early Voting In-Person
Access your Virginia voter record online here to apply to vote absentee and view your absentee ballot status. Everyone in the state of Virginia requesting an Absentee Ballot by mail must complete a Vote by Mail Application Form before receiving an Absentee Ballot. If you do not have a Virginia DMV Issued ID# to use the Online Service, download and complete the Absentee Application Form.
You may either vote early in person at your Election’s Office or at your Polling Place on Election Day.
If You Decide to Return Your Absentee Ballot In-Person
We have a secure drive-through "Ballot Drop Box" that is available for you to safely return your ballot on time with no in-person contact! The Drop Box is under 24-hour surveillance and is located at the back of Building One, which is the parking lot entrance area to our office. Do not use the Treasurer’s Drop Box at the entry off Justice Drive. The Ballot Drop Box is located at: 6467 Main St., Building One, Gloucester, VA.
IMPORTANT: When returning your Absentee Ballot by Mail or through the Ballot Drop Box, please be sure to enclose your ballot in "Envelope B" completed, sealed and inside of the pre-paid postage envelope provided.
If You Decide Not to Vote Your Absentee Ballot
Please return the ballot unopened in the pre-addressed envelope to our office before Election Day, bring it with you to the polls on Election Day, or use our Drive-through Ballot Drop Box.
If you have requested or received an Absentee by Mail Ballot but would rather vote in person, please bring your unopened ballot with you when you go to vote.
Please note, once you request an Absentee Ballot you are marked as already voting in this election. If you change your mind and want to vote in-person on Election Day you must return the unvoted Absentee Ballot to vote normal or you will be required to vote a provisional ballot.
If You Vote Absentee, Does Your Ballot Count?
YES, absentee ballots by mail or in-person are counted at their own precinct on Election Day. This is our Central Absentee Precinct, referred to as the CAP.
Track your Absentee Mail Ballot with Ballot Scout
Track your Returned Absentee Mail Ballot through the Citizen Portal
Accessible Voting
Does age or disability make it difficult for you to Vote on Election Day?
You have options: Absentee by Mail, Curbside Voting, click here to see more info and Vote!
Military and Overseas Voters
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act
Make sure your ballot gets in on time! Click here for everything you need to know to vote.
Federal Voting Assistance Program
View forms for uniformed service members, their family members, and citizens living outside the U.S. Use the links below to successfully apply and receive your ballot!
The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website provides a Virginia Voting Assistance Guide explaining how to complete your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). This guide provides dates for federal elections only. By submitting a complete Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) in Virginia, you will be sent ballots for all elections in which you are eligible to vote through the end of the next calendar year. Federal forms and envelopes are available on the Election Materials page.
Become an Election Officer
You can apply to become an Election Officer. Stop by the Elections & Voter Registration office. You will be provided the forms to apply and the Electoral Board will review and reply before the next election with the required training details if you are needed. We appreciate the service and integrity of our Election Officers!
If you want to be a Poll Watcher outside, please contact your Party Chair.
Due to redistricting, there is no longer voting at Bethel Elementary School. The boundary line changed, which required many voters to be shifted to different precincts.
Please look up your information to see where you will vote in November 2023. Voters can view their information online.
District Information
1st Congressional District
26th Senate District
House Districts are split
68th House District
69th House District for Gloucester Point Only (Hayes & Sarahs Creek Precinct)
2022 District Maps
Restoration of Rights
Voting Machine
Voter Registration Drives
Effective July 1, 2013 all individuals or organizations requesting 25 or more voter registration applications are required to register and complete The Virginia Department of Elections certified training. For more information on how to get certified, please visit the Voter Registration Training website.
Local & State Information
Voting Precincts (PDF) with map and directions to polling locations
Become a Candidate
An election cycle begins on January 1 of the year that the candidate first seeks election for the office, forms may be filed any time after January 1 of the election year and before the filing deadline of the election.
A candidate must file a Statement of Organization (§24.2-947.1) and register as a candidate for campaign finance purposes within 10 days of meeting any of the requirements listed in Section 2.1 online with the Department of Elections.
The candidate will be required to establish a campaign committee even if the committee does not consist of any individual other than the candidate. Campaign committees are required to establish a campaign depository in a financial institution located within the Commonwealth. Personal bank accounts may not be used under any circumstances.
It is important to understand that there is more to the law than just timely filing of the required campaign finance reports. As a candidate or treasurer, you should familiarize yourself with the Summary of Virginia’s Campaign Finance Laws and Policies for Candidate Campaign Committees as it will serve as a valuable resource.
Find all this information and more on the Department of Elections website.