How do I create an account and apply for a job online?
View instructions on applying for a new job (PDF).
Can I submit a paper application?
Paper applications and resumes will not be accepted. Everyone who applies for a position(s) is required to create an online application. The website to submit your application is the website.
I have questions and/or need technical support regarding my application.
You can reach Applicant Support at 855-524-5627.
I already have an account, but I have forgotten my username/password.
If you forgot your username, select the Forgot Username link. This will send you an email with your username. If you forgot your password, click the Reset Password link. If this does not solve the problem, please contact NEOGOV Applicant Support at 855-524-5627.
How can I find out what positions are available?
You can visit our Job Opportunities page.
I missed the deadline, can I still apply?
As with any position, once the position closes, no applications will be accepted or considered.
How and when can I update my application?
For each step in the application process, the buttons at the bottom allows you to save or cancel your work for the entries you’ve made. Changes can be made to your application at any time before it is submitted. Once you submit an application for a specific position, you cannot go back and make changes to the submitted application. At any time, if you need to update your contact information or add attachments such as a resume and/or a cover letter to your submitted application before the position closes, please contact the Human Resources Department at 804-693-5690, option 2. Our normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
When will you make a decision?
Once the department has reviewed applications and conducted interviews, the decision will be made on the selected candidate. Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted via email and/or phone call. All applicants will be notified via email once the position is filled.
I need to change the deductions on my tax forms.
Tax deductions can be changed using the Employee Access Center. You can also visit our Human Resources Department to complete new tax forms.
How do I submit a name change to HR?
A copy of your social security card reflecting the name change must be submitted to Human Resources. A receipt from your local Social Security Administration office showing that your name change is valid is also acceptable. For more information regarding this visit the Social Security Administration Resources website.
How do I log into the Employee Access Center for the first time?
View the instructions for logging into the Employee Access Center (PDF).