Contact Us

6489 Main St.
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-693-1217
Fax: 804-824-2442


Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


The objective of the Environmental Programs division is to provide administration of the county codes pertaining to environmental issues and to assist the community in education and enforcement of such ordinances and procedures.

Citizens are welcome to call or email with questions or concerns. We are happy to provide guidance on how to submit an application. Forms are available below. Additionally, Environmental Programs offers the following public services:

For payment:

  • Visit our online payment portal and select your preferred method of payment. We accept credit cards and e-checks for online payments.

  • Mail your check with your application to:

    • Environmental Programs
      6489 Main St.
      Gloucester, VA 23061

  • Alternatively, you can mail in your check after you have emailed your application and we have provided you with an application number. Please include the application number on the check.

  • Place your check in the Treasurer’s drop box, located on Justice Drive. Please include application number on the check.

White Egret wading in Water, Gloucester

Burn Ordinance

The purpose of this article is to protect public health, safety and welfare by regulating open burning within Gloucester County to provide for the safety of persons and structures in close proximity to open burning and to achieve and maintain, to the greatest extent practicable, a level of air quality that will provide comfort and convenience while promoting economic and social development. 

This article is intended to supplement the applicable regulations promulgated by the state Air Pollution Control Board and other applicable regulations and laws.

Wetlands Permit Information


Proposed activities within the Wetlands Board's jurisdiction (tidal wetlands) require a public hearing and board approval prior to commencement of the project. The permit application requires project drawings to be submitted as part of the application. It is important to include all requested information on these drawings, as they will become part of the wetland permit and will be a measure of project compliance. 


Once a completed application, drawings and permit fees have been received by the Gloucester County Wetlands Board staff, a site visit will be made and your project will be scheduled for public hearing. The public hearing provides an opportunity for public review and comment. During the hearing, the board may make modifications to a request or may require that certain conditions apply. Common examples of activities that require authorization include the construction of bulkheads, riprap (stone) revetments, jetties and groins, piers, marinas, and boat ramps.

Marine Contractor List

In Gloucester County, activities in or adjacent to a tidal water body or tidal wetlands will require a permit and/or review from on one more of the following agencies:

Joint Permit Application

Fortunately, one application is used to apply to all of these eight agencies (except the County's Building and Zoning permit). This application is called the Joint Permit Application, or JPA. Once completed, the JPA should be mailed to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) in Newport News, Virginia. VMRC will distribute your application to all the appropriate agencies for review.


Wetland permit fees for non-commercial and residential projects are $250. Permit fees for commercial projects are $500. This amount includes the cost of advertising the proposed project in the public notice section of the local newspaper, as required by law. Gloucester wetland permits are valid for 3 years from the date of board approval. Permit expiration dates may be extended by the board upon written request and approval at public hearing.


Please note that authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Marine Resources Commission, Department of Environmental Quality, the Gloucester Wetlands Board, and the Gloucester Planning and Zoning office must all be obtained prior to conducting work within wetlands. It is the landowner's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits.

Non-Tidal Wetlands

Non-tidal wetland impacts in Gloucester County are regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District (757-441-7389). If you plan to develop a large project, such as a subdivision or commercial site, a wetlands delineation should be performed by a professional wetland consultant and confirmed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Environmental Quality. All required wetlands permits must be obtained prior to final site plan approval.

Additional Resources