Daffodil Festival
Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6
3-hour time slots (time options are listed within the sign-up form)
There is a place for everyone. You will be trained on your role, prior to the festival. This is one of CERT's biggest opportunities to serve the community. It is also a great training event and a way to assist the community in a non-emergency.
Location: Gloucester Courthouse (meeting place TBD)

CERT New Members Class
2-day class
Saturday, February 22nd and Saturday, March 1st
Location: Gloucester County EOC
Lunch provided

CERT Class/Training
Thursday, February 13th
Taking care of yourself before, during, and after a disaster is important. Join us for an evening of learning more about how to do so.

CERT Tabletop Exercise
Saturday, January 18th
Location: Mathews
Scenario TBD
A Tabletop Exercise is a discussion-based session where participants discuss their roles and responses to a simulated emergency situation.

CERT Christmas Dinner
Please RSVP by calling (804) 693-1390, by emailing dem@gloucesterva.info or by clicking the link below
Family members are welcome but must be included in your RSVP
Fried chicken and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Location: Gloucester County EOC

CERT Assisting with Christmas Parade
Volunteer details will be sent by email
Location: Main Street, Gloucester

CERT Assisting with Suicide Prevention Walk
Volunteers will assist with pedestrian control
Volunteer details will be sent by email