
Business License & Business Tangible Personal Property Tax Returns Due March 1, 2025

If you have a business in Gloucester County, please be mindful that Business License and Business Tangible Personal Property Tax Returns will be due on March 1.

You can get more information through our Commissioner of the Revenue's Office. Their phone number is 804-693-1319.

Are You Prepared?

Do you currently use a wheelchair or walker? Are you oxygen dependent or have medications and/or medical supplies that require electricity?

With the winter weather in full swing, now is a great time to prepare for possible power outages and snow accumulation. Contact Emergency Management today to register for our emergency alert system, Bee Alert. You will be notified of any weather events or threats to your area.

Bee Alert also allows you the opportunity to notify Emergency Management of your needs so they can best serve you during a disaster.

Did you know? You can also notify Dominion Energy of your medical needs, by filling out their online form.

Meet our Building Inspection Team

If you haven't yet worked with our Building Inspections Department, the chances are, that's in your future. Our team helps people safely (and legally) build and update their homes, docks, woodstoves, pools, ramps, places of business, and more.

Did you know that this year, our Building Inspections Department played a huge role in the County passing its annual CRS (Community Rating System) recertification? This is the program that allows our residents to see a 25% discount in their flood insurance premiums!

In this video, Building Official Paul Koll explains some of what his team does on a daily basis. The short version is: Building Inspections is here for you. They want to help make your vision possible.

Gloucester County is home to a vibrant community hosting vast amounts of exciting events and gatherings. Check them out on our Beeline Community Calendar. Have your own event you would like listed? Submit your event details here for review and possible inclusion!

Check out the full calendar of upcoming meetings. Includes Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and other scheduled meetings of local boards and commissions.